Jenny Greenberg, Executive Director
Jenny joined NGT as Executive Director in 2014. A native Philadelphian, Jenny is inspired every day by the city’s dedicated community gardeners who have toiled through many a hot muggy August to cultivate bountiful, beautiful shared growing and gathering spaces. Jenny has focused throughout her career on community development and the transformation of underutilized urban land into green spaces that support healthier and happier lives for city residents. Prior to coming to NGT, Jenny spent close to a decade working in Camden, NJ. Jenny holds a BA from Vassar College and a Master of City Planning from the University of Pennsylvania. She lives in West Philadelphia with her two children..

Sofi Courtney, Project Manager
Sofi Courtney joined NGT in 2024 as Project Manager where she supports the stewardship of preserved and acquisition community gardens & open spaces with a focus on climate resiliency. In her previous positions, she has worked as an environmental scientist and a professional horticulturalist. Sofi received a master’s degree at the University of Washington, where she worked on increasing equity in partnerships between environmental scientists and Indigenous communities.

Chamor Thomas, Development and Communications Manager
Chamor Thomas joined NGT in 2021 as Development and Communications Manager working to draw support for NGT’s mission to acquire and preserve community gardens across Philadelphia through strategic communications and expanded development activities. She is a communication professional with over 10 years’ experience working with human services, economic development, and arts & culture organizations. Chamor holds a BA in Public Relations from Temple University and a Masters of Communication from La Salle University.
Victor Young, Board President
Five Loaves Two Fish Garden
Deborah McColloch, Board Vice President
Retired Director of Philadelphia Office of Housing and Community Development
Tanya Thampi Sen, Secretary
Stephen Kaufman, Board Treasurer
Retired Executive Director of Community Ventures
Kara Chickson
Keith Green
Vice President, Healthy Neighborhoods, PHS
Guina Hammond
Public Gardens and Landscape Project Manager, PHS
Chester Avenue Community Garden
Anne Harvey
Retired Environmental Scientist/Educator
Anne O’ Donnell
Retired Fundraiser (Swarthmore College and Curtis Institute of Music), Development Committee Chair
Bridget Palombo
Director of Healthy Food Access, The Food Trust
Hicks Street Garden
Carla Puppin
Bel Arbor Community Garden
Jill Roberts
Vice President of Advocacy
Nicholas Rodriguez
Attorney, Reed Smith LLP
Todd Sampsell
Vice President of Conservation
Natural Lands
Jasmin Velez
Development & Communications Manager, Kensington Corridor Trust
Elizabeth Waring
Holly Street Garden
Rod Willis