Just 18 months ago, NGT launched the Gaining Ground Campaign to support our mission: To secure and preserve community gardens and other shared open spaces across Philadelphia. Thanks to your commitment, in June we reached our goal of $1 million!
“We wholeheartedly endorse NGT’s unwavering commitment to securing land for community gardens. They are tireless in their advocacy for green spaces that cultivate a sustainable and interconnected world, nourishing individuals and communities with fresh food, social connection, and the beauty of nature.”
—Lisa Roberts and David Seltzer
The Gaining Ground Campaign was launched to help NGT respond quickly to the urgent need to protect Philadelphia’s vibrant community gardens which are threatened by real estate development. Your support for the Campaign will expand the network of diverse, preserved neighborhood gardens, by ensuring that we have immediately accessible funds to save these essential green spaces and to support our day-to-day work of protecting more gardens now and into the future.
Protecting the land where community gardens are located is the first and essential step toward preserving all the good things that they afford. That protection is the focus of our work at NGT. With the gardeners and their communities as our starting point, we collaborate with city, state, and other public and private partners to secure funds to purchase and preserve garden land. The success of the Gaining Ground campaign will allow NGT to respond more quickly and effectively when land acquisition opportunities arise, protecting more community gardens and the many benefits they provide before it is too late.